Plan your journey by tapping to get information regarding trains of Sri Lanka.Train Time app is a free tool for journey planning displays on Sri Lanka
Plan your journey by tapping to get information regarding trains of Sri Lanka.
Train Time app is a free tool for journey planning displays on Sri Lankan Train Time table on your Android smart phone.
* Auto complete station names without any data connection.
* Easy search direct & connecting train results and highlighted next scheduled trains.
* Favorite a train result and recent search results are available.
* Share with option.
It is much convenient as the user doesn't need Internet once downloaded the most often journey either after saving favorite trip. Also app makes your life much easier by reminding the journey time as the user saved favorite.
Information provided are true and correct according to Information And Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka ( and new time tables auto updates. For further information please contact (+94-11-236 9100). Kind apologies if any inconvenience occurred due to changes may occur in public transport Sri Lanka.
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